COVID-19 Combat Policies


Reservations will be taken in advance; however walk-in customers will be accommodated based on available slots.

Upon arrival, customers are to call into the salon for check-in. Once the customer has checked in, they will be requested to wait in their car until being called. Customers are not allowed to wait in the business lobby.

Special Precautions

For Customers

Cover your face😷! Wear Face Mask! CDC recommends everyone to cover their face when in public.
Please wear your FACE MASK, when you come for your appointment at Neeta Spa & Salon

Thank you! Management at Neeta Spa & Salon

For Employees

Employees will wear a fresh pair of gloves for each customer. They will be also protecting the customer by wearing a face shield and a mask.

In adherence with the social distancing policies, no more than 2 customers will be present inside the salon at any given point of time.


When it’s a customer’s turn, they are requested to walk in and sanitize their hands first and are requested to wear a poncho (plastic cover) that will go over them from neck to toe. They will be required to be seated in the salon chair with the poncho, ensuring that they are not in contact with the chair.

They will then get to see the sanitization process done by salon staff, to ensure they are comfortable with the process followed.

Sanitization process will include spraying and wiping industry approved high grade disinfectant solution on all visible areas where the customer will come in contact while being serviced (this includes the work area and the seating chair). Immediate Floor space will be disinfected on a frequent but periodic basis (by mopping the floor).

All the tools (clipper, hair snipper, comb….) will be sanitized in front of the customer using industry approved sanitizer solution (before each use).

After the service is completed, the customer can remove their poncho and dispose of it in the safety bin.